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Monday, 14 July 2014

 [Warning: this is quite a long post about not very much. I just wanted to talk I think :P]

I write this post from my "new" laptop. I say new, my Dad is kindly loaning it to me for a year! It's less than a week until Training, just trying to get some more things together for that, as well as learning things about this machine.

I am currently in a training period already, of sorts, on this laptop - there are a lot of things that could go wrong with it and I have to be able to bring it back to life myself if the worst should happen. I've spent a lot of years asking my Dad to sort computer things out for me - there won't be any of that this year! It's like a lot of things; suddenly I won't be able to ask my parents about a lot of things, and I don't think I realise how much I actually do that - just one of the shocks that's coming.